Dermatologist in Rockville, MD 20852 provides sclerotherapy for patients with spider veins
Named “spider veins” due to the web-like appearance of the fine blue, purple or red lines that appear on the legs and feet, the condition is caused by dilated blood vessels. A mild version of varicose veins, they may appear through the skin as short lines or in clusters. While spider veins are not commonly life threatening, they can be bothersome to many individuals. They have been known to cause pain or discomfort, including cramping, throbbing, aching, burning or tingling sensations. For many patients, the appearance of the spider veins is aesthetically displeasing.
What causes spider veins?
Veins serve as a network that sends blood back to the heart. As blood travels through the vein, valves open to release the blood, and then close to stop the blood from flowing back. Pressure on the abdomen or legs causes the blood to pool, creating the dark, noticeable lines. Certain factors are believed to influence the development of spider veins, including:
- Genetics and family history
- Female hormones – women may notice the condition due to:
- Puberty
- Pregnancy
- Hormone replacement therapy
- Birth control pills
- Fair-skinned
- Standing or sitting for prolonged periods of time
- Injury
What treatments are available for spider veins?
Many treatments exist for spider veins, such as:
- Compression, or support, stockings
- Regular exercise and weight loss
- Elevating legs at night
- Avoiding standing or sitting for prolonged periods of time
- Surgery
- Laser and light therapy
- Sclerotherapy
What is sclerotherapy?
At Washington Dermatology Center, Dr. Ronald Prussick and his team provides sclerotherapy as a solution to spider veins. The affordable procedure involves an injection into the blood vessel, causing it to swell and eventually become scar tissue and disappear. The outpatient treatment is relatively simple and causes minimal discomfort. For a few weeks after the procedure, patients may experience discoloration, therefore it is not recommended during the summer months. Compression stockings may be recommended for a short period after the procedure.
In Rockville, MD 20852, and surrounding areas, the dermatologists at the state-of-the-art Washington Dermatology Center provide a comprehensive menu of services, including sclerotherapy. Named by Washingtonian Magazine as one of the region’s top doctors, Dr. Ronald Prussick is a Board-certified, experienced provider of cosmetic and medical dermatology. The Consumers Research Council has recognized Dr. Prussick as one of America’s Top Physicians.
Offering the most advanced technology, products, and treatments, Washington Dermatology Center is conveniently located in at 6163 Executive Boulevard, Rockville, MD 20852. Appointments may be scheduled online or by calling 855-314-1424.