Is Botox under eye effective treatment for folks near Potomac?
Botox has been hailed as a cosmetic wonder drug since its FDA approval more than a decade ago. Indeed, this injectable solution can solve some of the most concerning signs of aging with ease. Men and women continue to discover their younger, more vibrant look thanks to skilled dermatologists’ Botox treatments. The fact that this product is so efficient at what it does may make it seem a solution for every facial effect of aging. In truth, there are limits to what Botox can do.
Problems under the eyes
Dr. Prussick and his extensively trained team consult with patients from Rockville, Potomac, and other MD cities regularly about the effects of age and sun damage. One of the common problems faced by adults is under eye bags. We may all experience a bit of puffiness beneath the eyes every now and then, perhaps because of dehydration or too little sleep. Chronic puffiness, however, can lead to a more aged appearance. Under eye bags, when severe, can make you seem older, less healthy, and tired. To that end, solving this problem can be very important. Botox, however, may not be the ideal solution for under eye bags.
Designed for muscles
Botox was developed for the treatment of tight, contracted muscles. In the face, there are certain muscles that we tend to use frequently. On the forehead and around the eyes, for instance, there are muscles that contract every time we step into the sunlight or every time we laugh. Injected into muscle tissue, Botox blocks the stimulation from the brain to muscles, allowing them to remain in a more relaxed state. By applying this solution to muscles on the forehead or at the outer corners of the eyes, dermatologists reduce lines and wrinkles.
The key to the effectiveness of Botox is muscle tissue, of which there is little to none directly under the eyes. In this area is thin, delicate skin and fat tissue, which often causes skin to look puffy. In the absence of muscle tissue, the under eye area would not respond to Botox treatment.
A viable solution to under eye bags
Just because Botox may not be suitable for the treatment of under eye problems, this does not mean that sagging bags must remain for life. Depending on the extent of the problem, it is possible to reduce the appearance of puffiness and bags using dermal fillers.
In our office in Frederick or Rockville, you can discover a more vibrant you through personalized treatment. If under eye bags are causing you to feel dissatisfied with your appearance, contact us to investigate your treatment options.