Potomac, MD area dermatologist addresses how to cure psoriasis
Patients in the Potomac, MD area who have been diagnosed and dealt with psoriasis are curious as to how they can find a cure for the condition. Unfortunately, Dr. Ron Prussick and Associates of the Washington Dermatology Center advise patients that there currently is no cure. There are, however, many ways for patients with psoriasis to find relief and control the symptoms of this disorder to make it tolerable and improve their quality of life.
This autoimmune disorder is a common skin concern as 125 million men and women in the world have been diagnosed with this condition. It can affect both men and women of all ages and it has been shown it can also be inherited.
Characteristics of psoriasis include skin redness and irritation on the body, as well as silver-white patches of flakey, itching skin. It is not contagious, is a chronic condition, and it cannot be cured. Instead, patients can find effective ways to control flare-ups and help them find relief from the condition.
Patients who are diagnosed with psoriasis will want to work with a dermatological professional to determine their specific triggers. Common triggers that can bring on psoriasis flare-ups may include:
- Skin injuries
- Medications
- Cold weather
- Dry air
- Stress
- Infections
- Alcohol
- Tobacco use
Patients with a weakened immune system due to chemotherapy, rheumatoid arthritis, or AIDS may experience more severe symptoms from their psoriasis and should work closely and regularly with a dermatologist to develop an appropriate treatment plan to help reduce flare-ups and control those that occur.
There are several treatment options available for patients with psoriasis at Washington Dermatology Center. Dr. Ron Prussick and his team may suggest some of the following solutions:
- Phototherapy
- Excimer Laser Therapy
- Biological treatment
- Topical medications
- Moisturizers
- Vitamin D supplements
- Phototherapy
- Home therapy solutions
Dr. Ronald Prussick has been a member of the National Psoriasis Foundation Medical Board since March 2013. Dr. Prussick and his team can help patients in achieving better skin health and wellness even when dealing with chronic skin diseases such as psoriasis.