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Rockville Office:
6163 Executive Boulevard, Rockville, MD 20852
Call: 855-314-1424
Frederick Office:
7101 Guilford Drive #105, Frederick, MD 21704
Call: 443-947-3639

Rockville area patients can enjoy laser services for the treatment of rosacea

Laser Treatment for Rosacea Rockville

Rosacea is a common skin condition that affects millions of Americans. It can result in redness and blotchy skin that, if severe, can be incredibly uncomfortable. Our team of professionals at Washington Dermatology Center, with our experienced dermatologist, Dr. Ron Prussick, have developed a line of services that can help. This includes laser treatment for rosacea. Patients with rosacea experience triggers which may worsen their condition. These triggers may include everything from spicy foods to extreme temperatures. Medication, stress, and sunlight can cause flare-ups which can be problematic. Regular treatments, such as laser services, can help not only reduce the … Continue reading

Frederick area patients ask, what is IPL laser therapy?

What is IPL Laser Therapy Frederick

At Washington Dermatology Center, we encourage our patients to take the time to learn about solutions available for a wide range of cosmetic concerns. This may include sun damage on the skin, rosacea, redness, broken blood vessels and freckles. These issues can be easily addressed with IPL laser therapy. What is IPL laser therapy? Dr. Ron Prussick provides IPL laser therapy, often referred to as photo rejuvenation, and uses it for patients with the above concerns. When performed properly by a dermatologist, IPL laser therapy can rejuvenate the skin and improve its overall texture. This treatment must be done several … Continue reading

Is there a laser treatment for skin redness for patients near Urbana?

Laser Treatment for Skin Redness Near Urbana

Dr. Ron Prussick of The Washington Dermatology Center near Urbana assists patients with many conditions with some of the latest technologies. He is happy to offer laser treatment for skin redness caused by rosacea. Rosacea can result in the appearance of red bumps on the skin, flushing of the face, visible blood vessels, and extremely sensitive skin. When patients have received a diagnosis of rosacea, they are educated by our team regarding the several ways in which they can address it. While there is no cure, there are methods of treatment that can greatly reduce the severity and allow patients … Continue reading

Urbana, MD area dermatologist offers laser treatments for the skin

Skin Laser Treatment Urbana MD

Technology has come a long way, even in just the last few years. Dermatologists are enjoying the improvements these technologies have afforded them for patients with skin woes. Dr. Ron Prussick and the associates of Washington Dermatology Center assist patients in and around the Urbana, MD area with a wide range of medical and cosmetic skin concerns, and have found that laser treatment can provide exceptional results in many instances. Laser skin treatment has become a popular way to address a wide range of issues. Laser light has been found to be effective at treating problems such as: Rosacea Acne … Continue reading

Dermatologist in Frederick, MD area offers wide range of laser treatments

Laser Dermatologist Frederick MD

Dr. Ron Prussick of the Washington Dermatology Center in the Frederick, MD community is a dermatologist who offers both medical and cosmetic dermatology services. For some patients, problems such as rosacea may make them feel self-conscious about their appearance, but over-the-counter treatments fail to work. Other patients are seeking solutions to address the signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles. Many patients may also ask their dermatologist about procedures for improving texture and tone of the skin, while others seek a method of reducing or eliminating unwanted hair on the body. All of these concerns can be addressed … Continue reading

Laser treatment in our Rockville practice offers patients various benefits

Laser Treatment in Rockville

Many of us look in the mirror at some point and think that the passing of time has begun to show on our skin. Our skin, in time, shows the effects of every summer (and winter) spent under the sun, the various wounds we may have endured, and the stress we have carried with us throughout our lives. At Washington Dermatology Center, we provide solutions designed to slow or even reverse some of the common signs of aging. Laser treatment using non-ablative IPL is one way in which our patients from Frederick, and surrounding areas may experience an improvement in … Continue reading

IPL a gentle laser treatment used in Frederick to improve skin tone and texture

Laser Treatment Frederick

When we stop to consider what aging skin may look like, we are likely to envision crepey, delicate skin and wrinkles. Sagging skin, however, is only one of the common skin problems we face as we grow older. Market research shows that dark spots and blemishes on the skin have a large impact on how old one looks. Changes in tone and texture, as well as elasticity, can be addressed with gentle IPL or photofacials treatment in our office in Frederick or Rockville. IPL, or intense pulsed light, treatment is often called laser therapy, although the two are actually only … Continue reading

Dermal fillers such as Radiesse may be the ideal companion to excellent skin care in Frederick

Best way to Keep Skin, Washington Dermatology Center

As we grow older, many of us learn that our skin has specific needs. Sadly, the likelihood is that we learn this lesson too late. The care that we provide to our skin when we are younger may be lacking, only to lead to signs of premature aging. If you see sunken cheeks, loose skin, or deep lines when you look in the mirror, you may feel older than you would like. Your appearance says a lot about you, and affects your level of self-confidence. Correcting lines and wrinkles with dermal fillers such as Radiesse may be the best way … Continue reading

The best results for dermal fillers come from working with your doctor near Rockville

Dermal Fillers Best Result, Washington Dermatology Center

The way in which the face ages include several factors, such as loss of hydration, diminished subcutaneous tissues, textural changes, and loss of elasticity. One of the most significant changes is the loss of volume. Each year, the total volume in the face may decrease one teaspoon, or even more. As the body produces less hyaluronic acid, less moisture is retained in the skin. Decrease in collagen production in addition to the loss of moisture can lead to overall thinning. Aging and other factors also affect the underlying tissues, including bone mass and fat pads, which add structure to the … Continue reading

Facial rejuvenation with natural results comes from personalized care by your Frederick dermatologist

Facial rejuvenation with natural results, Washington Dermatology Center

The quest for facial rejuvenation has become easier than ever thanks to advances in the field of cosmetic dermatology. Your cosmetic dermatologist has a comprehensive suite of products and services all designed to help you fight the effects of aging with great success. Dermal fillers are commonly used to promote youthful skin, each type having unique qualities that produce natural results. Some fillers encourage the production of collagen, while others plump lines with a boost of hyaluronic acid. Replacing lost volume in areas around the mouth, nose, and eyes do more than restore contours; it boosts your confidence, as well. … Continue reading